In agreement with the great heretics of the theater, we refuse to give in to the blackmail of the green pass, considering it irreconcilable with the spirit of authentic art; therefore, the tour of the Eric play tour will not take place.
It is a form of protest that we pay in person, and from which we do not derogate for any reason: the safeguarding of principles comes before any consideration, and all other reasons, however legitimate, cannot prevail over issues pertaining to the freedom of thought, of speech, of free association.

An excerpt from the video of the debut (which took place on December 5, 2020) can be found at this page: Videocollage [Link].
We will keep updated below a list of any new videos that will be published on our channels.

We sincerely thank all those who contributed to the birth of this theatrical project, starting from the donors (Link).

Freya Study and Research